
Little Black Dresses.

You know, this whole not blogging about my wedding thing has become really easy. Ironically though, I've been thinking about it more than ever because instead of blogging I am pinning.
My "to be" wedding is my biggest board, by far. It kind of sucks, cause anyone who follows me gets this really shallow impression of who I am. For all they know, all I think about is pretty dresses and tablescapes. That's not really who I am, but it definitely is something I love.
At least blogging about my wedding provided me with a way to express all my hopes and dreams for my marriage as well... even though, let's face it, it still mostly was about the wedding.
I guess since it's been a few months I should catch you up on a few things in my life.
I have a boyfriend. I think I've actually already blogged about him before. Thing about him is... I know I won't marry him. I definitely love him, even though we aren't to the saying it point, but I just don't see myself marrying him. There's just something missing with him that I desperately desire. It's this feeling of excitement, of spontaneity I guess... I was trying to describe it to my friends once. It's basically like this. I once saw this guy, I guess you could say dated. In truth, the whole thing ended awfully. Yet, there were moments with him that I wouldn't trade for anything. Like when we danced with no music. We were just standing there, really late at night saying our good nights and we hugged. We were both way too tired, so the hug kind of became us propping one another up. Then it turned into slow dancing. It was seriously one of the best moments of my life. I have nothing even remotely close to compare to by boyfriend.
There's all that and the fact that he doesn't want kids. To me, marriage is the start of a family. I don't understand how you can start a family without children... it doesn't even have to be children. Just a child. Something that the two of you make together... something lasting.
Speaking of children... my mom is going to have a baby. It's probably the least expected thing in the entire world. She's about nine weeks now. She's 38 so this is going to be a very high risk pregnancy. She's been pretty sick so far. I feel for her, I do, but I am tired of hearing her puking all the time. She's actually at the doctor as I type trying to get an Rx for nausea and puking. When she comes home, we'll all know the sex of the baby! I am hoping for a girl. My intentions for this hope are purely selfish, I don't think I'd love a little brother as much as I'd love a little sister. That sounds really bad, but I can't help it. I mean I'll love it, I just don't feel like I'd be as close to it. Eek. I am already calling a potential little brother an it.

In other news, I am 21 and have a tattoo! It's beautiful, but I'll let you judge for yourself.

It say's "Hither by thy Grace I've Come." I worked with the guy who tattooed me to come up with the design, so it's my vision and his artwork. It was one of the best things I've ever done. It's just a black tattoo. The red color is cause it was frash (these pictures were taken the day I got it done, which was October 8th, the day before I turned 21.) The experience was effortless. I got to the shop, worked with Craig on the design, and about an hour and a half later, I had a tattoo. It didn't hurt at all really, and I barely bled. Craig could hardly believe that I just sat there and took it the way I did.
The second week after I got it done was awful though. No one prepares you for how itchy it is going to get. You skin over the tattoo starts to peel as it heals. All you want to do is scratch it... all day long. But you can't. It's maddening. Thankfully it only lasts a few days. Then you're back to having this beautiful piece of artwork. I can't wait to get another one someday.
So if you are anything like I was, don't worry. It doesn't hurt, you won't scream at the first touch of the needle and be unable to go through with it, and you'll be super thankful you got it done. Especially if it's something meaningful to you. Just take the plunge!

Since I got my tattoo, I can't help but think about how I want to look on my wedding day. I definitely want to wear a dress that showcases this tattoo. I know that some people frown upon tattoos as part of the bridal image, but I feel like mine just sets me apart now. It's so beautiful that it adds this element of grace to anything that you can see it in. I've found a designer who's dresses I love, and that would help me highlight my ink. Her name is Amy Michelson. Here are my favorites from her.

I love the buttons down the side. The satin of each of these gowns is so sexy. They are very simple silhouettes. I can just see me in something like one of these, especially with my tattoo.

More about my wedding. I've never really cared for black bridesmaid dresses. Whatsoever. But now I'm kind of feeling like it would be really chic. Especially because it would mean not having to choose "bridesmaid" dresses. I could get the jewel tones I am looking for from accessories and flowers.
Basically, you can blame pinterest for this one.

Just thought I'd catch my blog up a bit since it's been such a long time. Thanks for reading...
by the way; What do you think of tattoos on brides and black bridal party dresses?

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