

Have I told you, that recently, I decided I would definitely like to wear a veil for my wedding? I have, under stipulations of course. It must be at least chapel length, perhaps cathedral length depending on the dress.
Also, given the upcoming season, I've been thinking up a completely different wedding than before. A beach, Fourth of July Wedding. Okay, the beach part isn't a for sure, cause I'd be totally okay with having it at a charming Victorian manner as long as there were some SWEET fireworks at the end of the night.
If I were having this wedding I'd wear a fairly simple dress, with a fairly simple chapel length veil and an AWESOME bouquet that would make itself into the wedding history books. The whole wedding would be breath taking in all its bold red and baby blue, rustic, Americana splendor.
Then I think about how I'm hurting my other wedding's feelings, and apologize with a more stunning dress and dreamy, ethereal veil. It forgave me.
Losing my mind? Likely. Losing my patience waiting for my biggest dream to come true? Not quite. Tomorrow is promised to none of us, but if something is meant to happen, then it will be. I feel deep down in my bones that I will get to have a fabulous wedding someday.

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