

It's a new year. Last year was kind of a mess, with me being all over the place.
So I decided this blog needed a fresh start, like the Prince of Bellair.

So, welcome to All Laced Up. It's still my effort to organize, plan, and dream about my wedding. I'm still waiting on a ring, and a fiance, and all that stuff you need to get married, but I know that I am closer today than I have ever been. Tomorrow will draw my dreams even closer.

I still want to be a wife and mother more than anything, but I know that I have got to work on me first. If I don't follow my dreams now, then I'll regret not doing so later.

I'm still helping my lovely mother plan her own wedding, and I still count it as a blessing even if it is a thankless job. Doing so has helped me to realize that, even though I love weddings like I love chocolate, I'm not supposed to be a wedding planner. After two years of aimless wanderings, I've finally come to a decision about my future. I am returning to my roots, i.e. the theater. I might try to do a baking business on the side though ;)

So, again, welcome to the new blog. Whoever said you can't have your cake and eat it to was very wrong. This blog is me doing both.

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